A little about me
Welcome. I'm Elaine, a 200hr Yoga Alliance Teacher.
I have practiced yoga for almost 20 years and am passionate about the benefits that a regular yoga practice can bring to both the body and the mind.
I teach primarily Hatha yoga but have experienced many different disciplines, from lots of different teachers, in various class settings over the years. All have influenced my style of practice, and teaching, in so many positive ways.
In 2016 I undertook five days of study with Donna Farhi, considered 'the teacher of teachers'. I continuously research and update my knowledge, more recently with Jill Miller, Yoga Tune Up, Alexandria Crow, Yoga Physics and Bernie Clark, Yinyoga.com, but learn most from those I have the privilege to guide, within my classes.
Yin yoga is a style which I particularly enjoy, to release deep held tension, and my monthly Saturday Sanctuary workshops are very popular, allowing me to share my love of Yin, and the benefits for the mind, as well as the body, by simply slowing down and taking time for you.
I see yoga as a toolkit that you can take away with you from class. Using pranayama to control the breath, and asanas, physical postures, which bring ease and strengthen, supporting the body.
I believe these practices can assist greatly when we are faced with the challenges life presents to us.
From personal experience, yoga has allowed me to heal injury that took hold after years of high impact exercise.
When I began to slow my yoga practice down and listen to my body, I was able to get deeper into the postures, releasing the tension that was holding on, class after class. I was then able to enjoy exercise and life, tension and injury free.
It's really all about balance, practice, and allowing ourselves a little time to 'let go'.
Elaine Baker - eyoga founder